If you are a subscriber to this blog, I apologize for all the mail you have been getting as the old posts were returned to this site. It’s taken about two weeks, but we are back online.
Not only do we have all of the info the old site had online, but we are adding new content and features.
For instance, we are working on an Index of Series Books which will eventually show all series produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate. When you click on an image, you get some basic info on the series and then a link to a page containing more details and a list of any blogs or articles about that series.
Obviously, not all the series have the detail pages up yet. Nor are all the series shown at this moment. Still, it is a good start for what we hope will be a useful feature. We hope you will check it out and come back again later to see the additions and improvements.
Please share this site with others who have an interest in series books. As always, our purpose is to share our love of series books with the readers, collectors, and fellow researchers. We hope you enjoy.
If you are not already subscribed, please add us! You can receive posts by email or add us to a RSS reader like Feedly.
— James and Kim Keeline