The last week in September is considered to be Banned Book Week. In 2019 this is Sept. 22-28. While you will see lists of many books that have been “challenged” or “censored” over the years, most of the time our juvenile series books are not listed. Yet, the librarians who wanted to impress fellow librarians, […]
Whisky Instead of Milk
Walter Prichard Eaton took inspiration from Franklin K. Mathiews’ “Blowing Out the Boy’s Brains” in his Woman’s Home Companion editorial on many youth books being little more than repackaged dime novels.
Are you Prepared for Children’s Book Week? — Novembe
“Safety First Juvenile Book Week” started in 1915 along the lines of “Safe and Sane Fourth of July.” Where one was concerned with injuries from fireworks, the other was obsessed with reading by boys. By 1919 this had evolved into Children’s Book Week. The November dates were designed to coincide with holiday purchases of books for young […]